Dynatron’s PriceSmart solution focuses on Fixed Ops labor and parts price optimization, pricing compliance, and price erosion to help you increase your CP ELR. Typical dealers see significant results within 90 days, and an average 22x ROI in the first year with Dynatron.
Increase your CP ELR with Fixed Ops Price Optimization
Do you know your “perfect price”? Not too high, not too low, so that you are maximizing profit and retention.
Real Results From Real Service Departments
Average CP ELR
Increase After 180
Average Annualized Revenue Increase
Average ROI
in First year

Barriers to Your Revenue Opportunities
Pricing Challenges
Establishing and maintaining the “perfect price” for customer retention and profitability is no easy task. Dealerships lack the market insights to be able to competitively price their services without losing out on repeat business or new customers. That is where price optimization comes in!
Work-mix Impact on ELR
It can be challenging to know the impact work-mix can have on an optimized CP ELR. Making sure tech times are in line with labor rates for all your different services is very difficult. Dealerships lack the bandwidth and tools to track these metrics which can lead to many small price deviations that add up to a major loss of revenue.
Lack of Warranty Filing Protocol
Without accurate data and business intelligence tools, dealerships miss out on potential revenue gained from proper warranty labor and parts filings. Oftentimes there are unnoticed gaps in customer pay that can hinder markups and approvals.

Good Data.
The beginning of any good relationships is good data. Our ROI Suite connects directly with your DMS and pulls your RO information into our platform.
We organize and clean the data to get it ready for analysis. We curate new data and insights using our proprietary algorithms.

Good Technology.
Once the data is in place, our ROI Suite has built in dashboards and reports to analyze your data during our StartSmart launch process.
This is our time-tested launch process which attacks the challenges and root causes hiding your revenue opportunities.

Good People.
Throughout the process our expert Coaches are meeting with you and your team to develop a plan to keep you on track to achieve your desires results.
All Dynatron Coaches have first hand service management experience and are experts at analyzing the data and identifying the biggest areas of revenue opportunity.
PriceSmart Process For Success
We focus on these three interrelated disciplines to achieve our great results.
CP ELR Price Optimization
Dynatron helps our customers strategically determine optimized customer pay labor rates, pricing matrices, packaged menu pricing, and parts pricing in a way that drives more revenue without driving away business.
Setting the “perfect price” requires analytics and market intelligence which are the tools you can get with PriceSmart.
Price Compliance
Once your pricing structure has been optimized, our team helps Service Management hold service advisors and technicians compliant.
We provide daily data and reporting capabilities that illuminate hidden issues and provide visibility to every transaction.
Work-mix Visibility
Understanding your 5 categories of work-mix is the first step to being able to control pricing compliance, flat rate times paid to technicians, and discount allocations.
Dynatron helps your Service Department easily view your work-mix, a task that would otherwise be very challenging.